A Guide To Be A Happier Women

Amy Benoit
4 min readMar 17, 2023


Women International Month

“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” -Alice Walker

Photo by Natalie Hua on Unsplash

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” -Audre Lorde

The liberation of women is a movement of great connotation. The contributions alone are just getting started, women are the epitome of strength and pure love. History has documented many profound moments that have showcased the passion and determination of women since the 60's. Having the pleasure of encountering some of the strongest of them — mothers, businesswomen, students, artists, revolutionaries, and wives carrying the world on their backs. It’s quite inspiring to gaze at the worthiness of them all, their awareness of their own transactions are in the hands of the celebrated.

The world has not been amiable to the constant changes reflecting women positions in our world. These challenges have been the foundation behind the drive and purpose to the movement. Women are peace, despite the imperfections that has been projected on us for years. That magic moves in all that we do, and it is within us to take notice of our contributions even on a small scale. Recognize it is a plethora of us all trying to place our mark on the world. And once you convey the essence of womanhood, not by the scale of the opposing. It is your own imprint that will account for your role in its evolution.

Self- Confidence

Confidence has a tricky understanding; people believe it’s something that is given by an external factor. It is something we already possess; it is within everything we do that we have never done before. So, every time we try something new we grow more confident. The times we are open about a weakness and willingness to make changes is confidence. The ability to continue in uncertainty is strength and women know this best. The changes that have influence the world around us has been the contribution of women and other minorities. These groups that are chastised for being against the status quo have indeed enhanced the perspectives of the people around it.

The reality that young women were once put in classes to know how to cook and clean as if their lives were decided for them. Women emanate confidence to become more than home aids and later something way more amazing. Confidence does not take away it only amplifies those that have been inspired by it. Understanding that no one can rob you from this no society, traditions or current paradigm. It is what makes women remarkable the more center we become within our being the more the world witness its presence.


Self assurance is a task that requires pure openness to yourself. To be sure of yourself is to be solid in your decisions, values, time and interactions. Nobody can tell you about yourself if you truly know yourself. The reason why you get mad when you do not get your way or the shyness that takes over your speech when the guy you like approaches you. These all have deep attachments more than you can realize, all layers that need to be dissected and put under a microscope for your healing.

Self-trust is never taught from the moment we are born we are told what to do or say and the universal mind is left to die. That is the very area where enlightenment takes its true form, and you start to become a better and useful you. A self that no longer needs the validation of any person, realizing that all you need is self. Life starts to become less of a whirlwind and more of an adventure and those moments deserve better lens.


Love is not just romance. Love is already installed within us; payment is not an exchange to partake. Sisterhood is not a line in high school, it’s not a selection, it’s an experience to support and cherish one another. My struggle is yours, there are no differences, the less we see ourselves as opponents the more we are aligned to a bigger purpose. You learn and appreciate all the experiences; they serve as tools and teachers. Having self-created love allows flow and natural correction to navigate you, into the many possibilities that life has to offer.

It is will that has emerged into your grace, allowing the most courteous approaches to meet you where you are. Women understand that love is empowering, and that it is within us to listen to our intuition. Our creation was for man to seek peace, from within our own self-love. They found hope, courage, inspiration and emotional safety. Our love moves mountains and embarks on change that can truly be highlighted as a light feminine touch.

March is women international month lets continue the mission by acknowledging the cadence of the women before. Women who had inspire many by embracing their uniqueness and identify when no one cared. And for the women of today who carry more desire to be a part of the change and be a new representative of what is to come. The changes that we take within ourselves blossoms into flowers that beams along with the anesthetics of a garden. We are so much larger together.

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