Choosing Happiness

Amy Benoit
3 min readJan 28, 2023

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Why is happiness so paralyzing?? What is it about knowing that something you deserve is on its way overwhelms you? Being in a state of happiness can be very addicting and unleashes an inner need to control. Happiness is an emotion that too passes overtime. It is imperative that we are humble and display gratitude during those moments of happiness. When you look back at the many times, we experience such euphoria instead of feeling grounded in the sensation. We want to hoarder it and save it for later. So many times, we have proven ourselves right, accomplishing goals “doing the do” and can sit there and question “have I proven anything”. It is in those very moments that we meet our own despair.

We do not process and float through life. We do not allow discomfort of any kind because we seek validation in what we do instead of wholeness and appreciation. That is the robbery that we create within ourselves. That heaviness can carry through our journey and show up in the worst way.

Reminding yourself that you are worthy of all your experience and being present is truly the correct way to live. It is in the present moment we obtain control of our behavior and thoughts. Having a full understanding of the current moment not only highlights…

