How To Use Failure

Amy Benoit
3 min readJun 20, 2023

“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be” — John Wooden

Photo by the blowup on Unsplash

The idea of failure is a shameful yank that keeps you in a path filled with obstruction. It keeps note of every time you tried and it did not come into formation. That the overall purpose behind your motivation is now questioned and scrutinized. You are back at square one and have no idea how to move. It is best to not move at all. Make the necessary observation on your current state and expand on the circumstance. Failure is a mirage, that places a hindrance in your life and blocks you from achieving your goals.

The world identifies failure in a way that is unauthentic, it makes it difficult to show up for yourself. As if you can sense a cruel reality that reminds you of an image of yourself that lacks. When in fact failure is a key player that keeps you on your toes. When challenged with a situation, failure can disguise itself into rejection, abandonment, and low self-worth. It is a liar, a bad one, it is a reminder of the infinite possibilities that are aligned to you at the time you are ready to receive it.

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